Welcome to your RAID Explorer 30 course. You are about to start an exciting, fun program designed to increase your skills and understanding of the important core areas of diving. This course is largely practical so you have more time to enjoy your journey and practice the skills your Instructor will teach you. The course will take you on 5 different dives so you expand on the knowledge and skills learned during your Open Water course.
          The only theory you need to know is what you are reading here. There is a general overview of each core session and some important information to take away regarding each dive. You will do a small quiz for this section and final exam online or in your dive center. These will cover the main topics and any safety aspects you need to know. Your instructor will review this information before your dives so no formal classroom time is required.
          Then, after checking your gear and getting a course overview from your Instructor, you are ready to go.


To further develop key SCUBA skills and understand the management of deeper dives


2 Days

Day 1

Buoyancy dive, navigation dive, elective dive

Day 2

Deep dive, Elective dive

Number of Dives

5 Ocean Dives


Junior 12-14 years, Adult/Full Explorer 30 15 Years Old +

Maximum Depths

Junior 21m, Adult/Full 30m

Reason for Learning

Continue your diving education and explore deeper than before!


Price: 12,900 THB Net Price (10,900 THB for groups of 3 or more)


Price includes:

  • Explorer 30 certification
  • All dive equipment
  • Dive Instructor
  • Lunch, Fruit, Soft drink on the boat

Price does not include:

  • Accommodation
  • Transportation (Can be arranged)

How to book:

Please contact Thai Ocean Academy in any channel you prefer.

See all dive activities gallery here for more information

18-22 FEBRUARY 2022 North Andaman Liveaboard

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Hardeep, Hin Luk Baat, San Chalam Jan 7 2023

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Koh Chang New years 2022

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Pattaya November 9-10th

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HTMS Petra, Rayong 29-30 October

Photo Gallery & VDO , 2220 Views

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