Master Rescue Diver
          You are about to participate in one of the most valuable and rewarding courses you can do in your diving career. Rescue divers learn not only how to look after themselves in the water, but how to be observant of those divers around them so that small issues can be noticed and dealt with. This could be simple anxiety or equipment problems in many cases and the rescue diver has the skills and knowledge to observe and help. As we will discuss further, rescue is an important part of all higher levels of training. Divemasters and Instructors go through various practice sessions to hone their rescue skills that were first learnt on this course. When you get to deep and technical diving the rescue skills learnt here are invaluable. So the information and skills in the course will help you through the rest of your diving career.
          As a Rescue Diver there are a lot of skills that need to be learnt along with some understanding of general knowledge. For many divers some of these skills may already be mastered. In this section we provide information on both foundation skills and general knowledge that will assist you as a Rescue Diver and some may also be useful in day to day life. Often when analysing a serious accident the root cause can be traced back to a simple error. A knot that was intended to hold a heavy object failing at a critical moment due to being tied incorrectly. A vessel crashing into a wharf because someone does not act quickly enough when the master of the vessel orders fenders to be put overboard. For some, these things may be second nature, but for others these foundation skills need to be learnt. The next few pages will get you started on the RAID Master Rescue Diver journey. Here we will outline some introductory information such as some simple knots rescue divers can use, types of diving where rescue training is invaluable and boating terminology that rescue divers need to know.


This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to enable self-rescue and that of other divers


3 days (Minimum), 4 days (preferred)

Day 1

Classroom, Knowledge review, Exam & first aid

Day 2

Confined Water sessions

Day 3

Open Water Dives

Day 4

Open Water Dives

Number of dives

4 Ocean Dives


15 years old +

Maximum Depths

18 meters

Reason for Learning

A great way to increase your self awareness and understanding of the needs of your buddy and other divers in the water. The master rescue program also teaches you how to react and respond appropriately when problems arise



The following are the course objectives
- Develop and practice new skill sets
- Develop self rescue skills
- Develop good observation skills
- Practice underwater emergency drills
- Develop unresponsive diver rescue skills
- Develop rescue site management skills



Price : 15,500 THB Net Price (13,500 THB for groups of 3 or more)


Price included :

- Master Rescue certification
- All dive equipment
- Dive Instructor
- Lunch , Fruit , Soft drink on the boat

Price not included :

- Accommodation
- Transportation (Can be arranged)

How to book :

Please contact Thai Ocean Academy in any channel you prefer



See all dive activities gallery here for more information

18-22 FEBRUARY 2022 North Andaman Liveaboard

Photo Gallery & VDO , 3029 Views

Hardeep, Hin Luk Baat, San Chalam Jan 7 2023

Photo Gallery & VDO , 3293 Views

Koh Chang New years 2022

Photo Gallery & VDO , 3993 Views

Pattaya November 9-10th

Photo Gallery & VDO , 4261 Views

HTMS Petra, Rayong 29-30 October

Photo Gallery & VDO , 2220 Views

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